Sunday, December 14, 2008

New Etsy Site

Check out my new Etsy site where I am selling my crocheted items. Click here.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

glistening snowflakes

My friend Casey showed me these patterns for snowflakes on the Michael's website. You can click here for the patterns. There are 3 sizes I did. I found this sparkly white and red yarn at Michael's on sale for 2 for $3. It was a great deal. And I still have plenty left to use.

After I crocheted them I ironed them with a paper towel on top to get them to lay right.
Then I starched them by dipping them into 3/4 starch and 1/4 water. Then I let them dry on wax paper or paper towels.

And now I have some ornaments for Christmas! They make great gifts!